Since 2000, many health related programmes and activities were taken up, mainly health Checkup camps, educational programmes for STI/HIV/AIDS, Leprosy and other common health related problems for the students and public at large at various places and time. These all were taken up with the co-ordination of local NGOs, government and social organizations.Hence AVERT(AIDS Virus Education Research Trust)had selected the Nagpur District Red Cross for organizing AIDS week.
The city has got many professional colleges, industries including migrant labors and slum. Three National High-Ways pass through the city and many students all over India join different colleges. Extra-marital sexual activities are rampant here. This gave impetus for the Indian Red Cross Society, Nagpur to take up two Intervention projects for Truckers &FCSWs with collaboration with MSACS (Maharashtra State Aids Control Society), Mumbai and Targeted Intervention (TI) project for Ganga-Jamuna (The Red Light Area).
There is well-identified Red Light Area known as Ganga-Jamuna, where almost 3800 plus FSWs are present, of which 0.1% are HIV+ve. Further intervention as under:
Monitoring and Evaluation visits
IRCS Maharashtra State Branch is a registered entity for undertaking CSR activities by the Government of India so that it can attract CSR funding from corporates and other organizations
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